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Saturday, June 22, 2013


The oak tree is not a single species, but about 600 species of this tree exist worldwide. These belong to the genus Quercus. This genus, which includes deciduous and evergreen species, is native to the northern hemisphere. These trees bear flowers in spring, and the acorn (which is actually a nut) is its fruit. Most acorns contain only one seed, and take between 6 to 18 months to mature, depending on the species.
oak tree
leaves of oak tree
The oak tree is synonymous with strength, power, and endurance. Because of this, it has been adopted by many countries as the national tree, including England, Germany, France, and the United States. Other countries that have adopted the oak as their national tree include Estonia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Basque Country, Galicia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Wales
oak trees can live up to 200 years or more, and mature trees have the capacity of absorbing more than 50 gallons of water in one day .
The oak tree is associated with several mythologies. In Norse mythology, it is the sacred tree of Thor, the thunder god. The Greek mythology presents it as the sacred tree of the king of gods, Zeus. And in Slavic mythology, it is the tree of utmost importance to god Perun.
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The Cornflower, also known scientifically as Centaurea (sent-ta-REE-a), is an annual plant that produces colourful, lightly fragrant flowers in shades of white, blue, pink, red and purple.  These fringed flowers can be single or double bloom with narrow, greyish-green leaves and slightly hairy stems. They can grow to be 10 inches to 2.5 ft tall, depending on the species. The plant is native to Europe and belongs to the same family as daisies and sunflowers, the Asteraceae.
    Other Common Names: Bachelor’s Buttons, Blue Bottle. The flowers are edible and have a sweet, cucumber-like taste.The name cornflower comes from the fact the flowers grow abundantly in corn fields in Europe and the U.S.
    Cornflowers have been used in traditional herbal medicine as an anti-inflammatory.
    C. solstitialis and C. maculosa are major honey plants for beekeepers; honey from these flowers is considered to be one of the best Cornflower is the national flower of Estonia.

corn flower
The cornflower, also called bachelor's button, is an easy-to-grow wildflower. Originally native to Europe, it is popular across the United States. This prolific flowering annual has button-like blooms on tall blue-gray stem.

       A barn swallow is one of the best known species of the group of long-winged perching birds that reside in most parts of the world Barn swallows are found in a large number of habitats with open areas, such as agricultural areas, farmlands, cities, highways, marshes, lake shores, near barns, outbuildings, bridges and culverts.
A barn swallow prefers to spend more time in the air, than any other land bird.A barn swallow feeds only on bugs.It is classified into six different subspecies that breed mainly across the Northern Hemisphere. Four of these species are migratory birds that fly to places in Southern Hemisphere like Central Argentina, Cape Province of South Africa and northern Australia in winter

barn swallow
.According to legends, barn swallow stole fire from the gods to bring it to the human race. Gods became infuriated and attacked barn swallow with a firebrand and seared feathers from the middle of its tail and thus barn swallows have forked tails.
Barn Swallows forage in open areas throughout most of the continent, including suburban parks and ball fields, agricultural fields, beaches, and over open water such as lakes, ponds and coastal waters. They range from sea level up to 10,000 feet. Breeding habitat must include open areas for foraging, structures or cliffs to build nests on, and a source of mud such as a riverbank to provide the material for building nests.
Barn-swallow is the national bird and animal of Estonia.


1 comment:

  1. How cool to know that Corn flower is the national flower of Estonia; such an important little plant! Not only is it good for anti-inflammation, it also helps improve digestion and aid the regulation of menstruation. A great source for cornflower in the US that I know of is

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